SoftLayer API News

Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates. Account Has a new method getBlueIdAuthenticationRequiredFlag, indicate if account requires blue id authentication. Hardware_Server Now when calling getBandwidthImage, you can specify a dateSpecifiedEnd...

SoftLayer API News

Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates. Account_Authentication_OpenIdConnect_Option This option datatypes was created to be used on User_Customer_OpenIdConnect#generateAuthorizationEndpointUrl, it has only two values: key value So can pass a lot...

SoftLayer API News

Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates. Account_Link_Bluemix SoftLayer is improving the linking to Bluemix accounts; now there is a service to get a SoftLayer_Account_Link_Bluemix datatype, and we have 4...

SoftLayer API News

Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates. SoftLayer_Account Added the relational properties: allowsBluemixAccountLinkingFlag - Flag indicating if this account can be linked with Bluemix. bluemixLinkedFlag - Returns true if this...

SoftLayer API News

Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates. This week is probably the tiniest update ever! :) 50% of updates are related to a type on api doc, I think nobody...