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Has a new method getBlueIdAuthenticationRequiredFlag, indicate if account requires blue id authentication.


Now when calling getBandwidthImage, you can specify a dateSpecifiedEnd to improve your filter.


On method getBandwidthImage, you can specify dateSpecifiedEnd, and method new_getBandwidthImage was removed.


Added a new attribute sapCertifiedServerFlag, so if you’d like to purchase a certified server to SAP, pay attention to this flag.


This new object was introduced to represent the priorities; it has two fields name and value, a key pair to handle it.

We can also call getPriorities to check all available priorities.


If you would like to opt-out from ticket surveys after a ticket being closed, now instead of this service, you must use SoftLayer_User_Customer::changePreference instead. (deprecated)


Has improved a lot the password recovery process, if you have a feature like that in your application, I recommend to pay attention and read carefully what changed so you can modify your system accordingly.

  • getDefaultSecurityQuestions - deprecated, now use initiatePortalPasswordChange
  • getUserFromLostPasswordRequest - deprecated, now use initiatePortalPasswordChange
  • lostPassword - deprecated, now use initiatePortalPasswordChange
  • resetExpiredPassword - deprecated, now use initiatePortalPasswordChange
  • updatePassword - deprecated, now use initiatePortalPasswordChange
  • checkPhoneFactorAuthenticationForPasswordSet
  • getRequirementsForPasswordSet - Retrieve the authentication requirements for an outstanding password set/reset request. The password key provided to the user in an email generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::newUserPassword. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they’re generated.
  • getUserIdForPasswordSet - Retrieve a user object using a password recovery key received in an email generated when a new customer is created or when a customer requests a password change.
  • initiatePortalPasswordChange - Sends password change email to the user containing url that allows the user the change their password
  • inviteUserToLinkOpenIdConnect - Send email invitation to a user to join a SoftLayer account and authenticate with OpenIdConnect.
  • processPasswordSetRequest - Set the password for a user who has an outstanding password request. A user with an outstanding password request will have an unused and unexpired password key. The password key is part of the url provided to the user in the email sent to the user with information on how to set their password. The email was generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::setNewUserPassword method. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they’re generated.


Got the same modifications from User_Customer.


  • getBootableVolumeFlag - now indicates if a virtual disk image is bootable or not (Boolean).


Like Hardware_Server, when calling getBandwidthImage, you can specify a dateSpecifiedEnd to improve your filter.


There were a lot of modification, excellent to see SoftLayer API evolving and bringing us more features.

A lot of modifications were related to the documentation, some improved, and some added to existing methods, so I’d like to congrats and, as a software developer and API user, thank the dev team for the efforts on documenting and making our lives better.

See you next week

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