Stay updated about modifications on SoftLayer API, read our page to know more information about these updates.

This week we have some interesting modifications on SoftLayer API, just stay tuned to get most of it!


The getPdf method was removed, not sure if the content can still be downloaded via API, anyone knows?

[update] You can download using the getFile method on the service.


Was added a new class to get information if a country code top level domain requires extended attributes, so if you would like to get more information when you’re registering a domain, you can call getExtendedAttributes passing the domainName and receive an array of SoftLayer_Container_Dns_Domain_Registration_ExtendedAttribute the attributes for class are:

  • childFlag (boolean) - Indicates if this is a child of another extended attribute.
  • description (string) - The description of an extended attribute.
  • name (string) - The name of an extended attribute.
  • options (array) - The collection of options for an extended attribute. (an array of SoftLayer_Container_Dns_Domain_Registration_ExtendedAttribute_Option)
  • requiredFlag (integer) - Indicates if extended attribute is required.
  • userDefinedFlag (boolean) - User defined indicates that the value is required from outside sources.

The ExtendedAttribute model, brings two new classes on its namespace

Configuration and Option, the first one just has the name and value attributes, and the second one is bounded to options attribute on ExtendedAttribute, and has the following attributes:

I tried to get information for some top level domains, but all of them returned an empty array, probably this is the first step on a rolling upgrade


The getPortStatistics method was deprecated and will cease to function on April 4th, 2016 and will be removed on version 3.2

If you have any integration that rely on this method, don’t forget to update on next two weeks.


Was added a isEuropeanUnionFlag that is an integer, probably a 0 or 1 to define the information about the country.


Was added a class SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect_ServiceProvider_EnrollRequest, being honestly, I have no idea on how to use this information, probably it’s for internal SoftLayer use.

What a great update, a lot of information, new feature added, deprecations, removals… happy hitting the API!

See you next week!

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